STOP Chasing—Everything You Want Already Exists Within You

David Kasneci

Everything You Want Exists Within You

Everything that you want exists within you—it isn’t waiting outside. You do not have to chase it or wait for the perfect external circumstances to feel peace, abundance, or love. The universe is constantly reminding you to feel abundant, worthy, and deeply loved because this is your inherent birthright.

Your Inherent Birthright

The moment you begin to feel abundant and worthy from within, you open yourself up to receiving all that you truly deserve. Waiting for an external change is really waiting for yourself to transform, for you to embody the qualities you desire to see in the world.

The Illusion of the Outer World

When you say, "I’m waiting for the world to change," you are really waiting for yourself to change. The outer world is merely a reflection of your inner state. Until you embody the love, peace, and abundance you seek, you won’t see those qualities reflected back to you.

Unconditioned Consciousness & the Unified Field

Your outer reality is a manifestation of pure infinite potential—a unified, quantum field of unmanifest energy and unconditioned consciousness. Before anything truly exists in your external world, it must first exist within your inner awareness.

Your consciousness projects outward; what you accept as truth within yourself becomes your reality. The key to manifestation is realizing that you are not the seeker; you are the source. Having is a state—a state of being where you already are everything you desire to be.

Embodying the State of Having

When you embody the state of “having,” you no longer require external change to feel complete. Instead, you attract the outcomes you desire naturally by living in the state of abundance, love, joy, and peace. Do your actions not out of a sense of lack, but from the fullness and wholeness that you already possess.

Action comes naturally when you are aligned with your inner truth. It isn’t about chasing emotions or outcomes. It’s about doing the work because it expresses the fullness of your being. This is the energy behind every genuine effort you make, whether it’s creating content, building relationships, or simply being present.

Meditation, Visualization, and the Role of Imagination

Take time to quiet your mind. Close your eyes, relax your body, and detach from the external and the rational. Enter a meditative state where you can access pure awareness. In this state, your imagination becomes your creative power.

Visualize yourself already living the reality you desire. Feel the peace, love, joy, and abundance in every cell. Your imagination creates your reality, and by aligning with that inner vision, you unlock the power of manifestation.

Reclaiming the Creative Power Within

As children, we created entire worlds with our unbridled imagination—there was no separation between what was real and what was imagined. Over time, societal conditioning and rational thinking diminished this power. Schooling and external influences taught us to be logical and suppressed the intuitive, creative mind.

It’s time to reclaim that innate power. Remember, you are pure awareness. Detach from limiting beliefs and reconnect with the creative, expansive force within you that knows no boundaries.

Taking Inspired Action

Create from a place of fulfillment, not from a sense of lack. Whether you are working out, building a business, or connecting with a loved one, ask yourself: Are you acting from the state of having, or are you operating from a state of not having? The difference is profound. When you act from a place of completeness, everything around you begins to align effortlessly.

Embracing Full Responsibility

When you fully own your inner state, you step into the role of the creator. You stop blaming external circumstances—your past, society, or anyone else. Instead, you say: “I am the change. I am complete. I already embody the love, peace, and abundance I seek.” This clarity instantly frees you from the chase and opens the door to miracles.

Final Thoughts: Manifestation Is Already Complete

Your life, existence, and every facet of creation is already whole, fulfilled, and complete. You don’t need to work hard to earn these qualities—they are your natural state. It is only when you release the need for external validation or change that you can truly manifest heaven on earth.

If you're new to my channel, I'm David Kasneci, best-selling author of the Project 369 series, home to the world's #1 best-selling manifestation journals. We've sold a little over 500,000 copies and have transformed thousands of lives through our teachings and practices.

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