We encourage you to detach yourself from Project 369. The books themselves are not magic. The books are tools used to unlock the magic that is within you.
There is NO "correct way" of using Project 369.
Before we begin manifesting anything, it is necessary to get a clear picture of what we want. Do you know what you want? If so, ask yourself, who is the one desiring? Is it the believer, your inner self, that is desiring, or your beliefs that are desiring? The believer desires to create our inner world, whereas our beliefs desire to receive something from our outer world. We may think we want something outside of ourselves, but we don't. We all want one thing, and that is to create ourselves. Our true desire is to create, feel, and express ourselves as our most genuine and authentic I AM, and nothing more or less.
What we really want is to be aware of experiencing that thing outside of us now. We want to be aware of either being it or having it now. We want to feel the satisfaction that comes with it and express our gratitude for receiving it now. Again, I tell you that you can experience it now. Go within, imagine, and feel it to be true now. Unlock the part of you that is waiting for your acceptance now. Satisfy your desires within, and realize that everything outside of you is but a mirror.
It is not the riches we want from our outer world; we want to be and feel wealthy. We cannot attract riches without feeling wealthy and expressing abundance and prosperity. It is not the peace we want from others; we want to feel and be peaceful. We cannot look for peace outside of ourselves. We do not want love from others; we want to feel and be love. We cannot feel and be love unless we find the love we truly are. A change in I AM is not contingent upon anything in our outer world. Create the I AM you desire by feeling it to be true here and now.
Write manifestations such as: "I am closing 20 deals per month; I am a successful public speaker who is changing the world; I am a famous musician that plays from the heart; I am a top producer that makes millions per year; I am a famous artist that inspires everyone to create; I am a successful coach with a growing wait list; I am a successful entrepreneur with multiple businesses. I am fulfilled and whole and my life is filled with joy and love." Don't let your refusal to believe it stop you from feeling it. All limitations are illusions created by states of consciousness. The only limitations are the ones you create. Be the believer, let go of your beliefs, and have your limitation dissipate.
If you wish to manifest happiness, write: "I live a happy life filled with gratitude." If you wish to manifest peace, write: "I am at peace with what was, what is, and what will be." If you wish to manifest love, write: "I am love and I am surrounded by love." If you wish to manifest a new home, write: "I am living in my new picture-perfect home." Feel it.
You will also have a page where you will be writing affirmations. Since our primary goal is to create our I AM and believe it to be true, our manifestations and affirmations should be interchangeable. Dr. Joseph Murphy once wrote, "The law of life is the law of belief." Having the ability to believe anything we want is the essence of our true power, and the power of belief is the power of God. Since our feelings create our beliefs, it is how we feel about what we write that manifests. If we doubt what we're writing or feel as though it will not happen, it won't. Again, our outer world is a mere reflection of our inner world.
Now, this may become repetitive, but that is the intent. As you're writing with feeling, your brain will begin to create millions, if not billions, of new neural pathways. As you begin to meditate and reach different brain wave states, you will deepen your connection to the Universe and the Source of it all. As you begin to imagine and feel the fulfillment of your desires, you will realize you need nothing outside of yourself. You will realize your inner world is the cause of it all.
Now, if you feel obliged or forced to write in this journal or even feel attached to it, I suggest taking a break and letting go of everything you've written. Yes, let go and detach yourself from your desires. If you feel you need to write in the journal to manifest your desires, it means you believe it is the cause of your creations, rather than realizing I AM is the only cause. To desire something so intensely that you feel you need to do certain things to make it manifest signifies the lack you feel from not having it within yourself. This journal should only be used as a tool to detach yourself from all things external and satisfy your desires by feeling the omnipotence within you. Don't lose your personal power. There is no power outside of you.
Although we will be providing you with a guide on when and how you can use this journal, you should view our suggestions as mere possibilities and fill it out in a manner that feels most natural to you. Again, the only thing that matters is feeling. Your feeling is the secret that decrees a thing. Do what feels best, how it feels best, and when it feels best. You are the creator.
It is important to acknowledge that you are the only one that holds all the power to create, and you are the one that always creates it all. Since there are no external causes doing it for you, there is no one to blame, not even self, for your true self is innocent. As you proceed, consider Project 369 as a tool similar to a car's manual; reading the manual will give you the steps to repair your vehicle, but it will not do so for you.
I have had a few questions asked from previous editions that I would like to address. Such as, "If I miss a day, does it mean my desire won't manifest? Do I write the same affirmations over and over? Do I write the same desire every day? Can I write different desires throughout the day?"
Understand that this book is about you. There is no wrong way of filling it out. Everything that is written is a projection of you and your consciousness. To think that not journaling for a day or missing a morning entry will prevent you from manifesting your heart's desires is to doubt your infinite self. Focus on writing one desire at a time until you have satisfied it within you. When you truly satisfy your desires within, you won't be looking for them anymore, and when you truly find your infinite self, you won't be desiring anymore.
You have been manifesting either consciously or unconsciously before Project 369 as a whole, and you will continue to manifest the reality you see for as long as you are aware of being who you are. Let us now discuss the possibilities of when and how you can utilize this journal.
Firstly, I encourage you to feelingly write down one of your heart's deepest desires as though you already have it in the present tense, three times in the morning.
Secondly, it is encouraged that you still your mind and tap into your unconditioned consciousness by meditating and entering into an alpha-theta brain wave state. Once your mind is still, imagine a scene that implies the fulfillment of your desire. Don't think of it as sometime in the future; instead, feel as though you are experiencing it in the present moment. For tips on visualizing, you can imagine sharing the good news with a loved one, being in a particular environment, or experiencing your desire granted by utilizing your senses as vividly as possible.
Thirdly, create a possibility for the question, "How do you feel knowing it's already yours?" In other words, how does it feel to experience it in this present moment? How does it feel to tap into the infinite potential within you? How does it feel knowing you are an infinite creator? Do you feel satisfied? Confident? Free? Blessed? Fulfilled? Fully capture the feeling and project it from your consciousness to the paper.
Once these three steps are complete, carry on about your day, but instead of thinking and acting as you normally would, think and act from the vision you created. Walk in the feeling of already being that person and having that desire. Let it become a natural and automatic expression.
In the afternoon, feelingly write the same manifestation six times and visualize the same scene as you did in the morning. You can create slight variations in the scene if it helps you tap into a more genuine feeling. Alpha-theta state is always encouraged, for it is only when you still the mind that you connect to the unconditioned aspects of it (Source). During this time, you may feel a different sensation because you've brought your desire to spirit—your superconscious—whereto your feeling projected the Spirit of Harmony, or the Divine Bridge of Incidents, as Neville Goddard called it, or the Dormant Forces (energy, frequency, and vibration), as science calls it. Nevertheless, these forces are always working in the background, ensuring your outer world reflects your inner world. Proceed as you have been, thinking and acting from your vision, and feeling its reality within.
Right before you sleep, feelingly write down the same desire nine times. I encourage you to avoid using your phone after, not watch television, and not experience any sidetracks. Your mind and body are naturally relaxed during this time, as this is the time that your brainwave activity is vibrating in alpha-theta. This is when your mind is most still, almost detached from reality, but responsive only when needed. Here you connect deeper into your subconscious and strengthen your connection to the superconscious. This is the time that miracles and transformations occur.
Now, visualize the same scene once more. Allow yourself to express gratitude for what is already yours. Allow yourself to even tear up, for doing so is the ultimate form of expressing gratitude. An emotion this strong will not only create an immediate impression on your subconscious mind, but will inevitably cause you to experience a superconscious state, whereto the feelings of ecstasy arise. While I say this, know that it is also completely fine not to feel a type of emotion at all. Imagining is experiencing, and experiencing the fulfillment of your desire, and knowing it is fulfilled is a feeling in itself, and you can simply acknowledge it. You may feel intense emotions, or you may not. Nonetheless, feelings of gratitude and knowingness satisfy your desire within, and the more you satisfy your desire, the more natural it becomes. Combining satisfaction with being is the ultimate goal. Tap into the satisfaction of being the one you desire to be.
Now, visualize until you drift to sleep; if you can't fall asleep, you can stop visualizing. The work is done. You may now sleep in the satisfaction of your wish fulfilled. Again, it is not a requirement to fill the journal out daily. Write in the journal whenever you'd like. Remember that the ultimate goal when doing so is to tap into your infinite self. Believe everything you write, and feel the feeling of your wish fulfilled. Change your beliefs about yourself in accordance with your vision, and connect yourself deeper to Source.
Remember that the true self is I AM, and I AM is beyond your beliefs. The true I AM is your formless unconditioned consciousness, which is the pure love and light in everything and everyone. You have the power to be and do anything you want. There are no limitations.
On your “Affirmations” page, write nine different affirmations or the same affirmations on each of the nine lines. Your affirmations are meant to be aligned with your vision and felt as true of yourself. On the page ahead, we will ask you: “What are your intentions? What are you grateful for? Who are you creating? Who are you really?"
The first question is: What are your intentions? This question can be looked at as more than one question, creating many possibilities. Examples are: Why do you want what you want? Why do you do what you do? Why are you being who you are? These questions are powerful because they create a powerful purpose. Your purpose and your intention are synonymous. Discovering the possibilities of this question will ensure you have a successful and happy life filled with love, joy, and prosperity. Your intention is your destiny.
The next question will be: What are you grateful for? Express gratitude not only for the little things that bring you love, joy, peace, and harmony, but also for already having everything and anything you could possibly want within you. Express gratitude for the infinite I AM. Express gratitude without the need for anything outside of you. Feel the omnipotence of your inner world. Realize that it is the source of existence itself, and nothing is more significant than existence.
Now, you will be asked: "Who are you creating?" Another way of looking at this question is asking yourself, "What are my current beliefs about myself and my world?" As discussed throughout the book, you are always creating at every moment in time. You are creating with every thought, feeling, and action, and this creation is ever-changing and never permanent. You can answer this question with an I AM affirmation, accepting and feeling that you already are the one you desire to be, here and now.
The final question is, "Who are you really?" The previous question was about your worldly self; now, this is about your eternal self. Ultimately, the answer to this question is a personal and profound discovery that each of us will awaken to at some point. Despite that, in essence, words put limitations, the possibilities I have discovered are: "I am oneness. I am pure consciousness, pure awareness, and pure mind. I am free from all conditions and limitations. I am love. I am allness and nothingness. I am light. I am infinite. I am that I am. I am the creator." Explore this question further by being in stillness and meditating on self-inquiry.
You can write on these pages after your morning manifestation, afternoon manifestation, or any other time throughout the day.
The “My Desires” page, contains nine lines in which you will write nine of your strongest desires: three short-term, three mid-term, and three long-term. Leave this page blank if you are unsure of your desires or have none. Don't only think of desires outside of yourself, but also any desires of being the person you desire to be. Remember to desire with purpose and good intention. Remember that being comes before doing, and you attract what you are, not what you will be.
Write your desires as if you already have them, using "I am" and/or "I have." Circle one desire in each section and rewrite the three circled desires as manifestations on your first three days of using this journal. Now, do not assume that circling one desire in each section means your other desires won't manifest. Remember that you are an infinite being, capable of anything. This is solely for you to be in vibrational alignment with one desire at a time, and to ensure there are only specific energy signals being attracted and attracted at a time.